Eleven years ago, the emergency hospital received an older woman from Botoșani City, Romania, who had been singing continuously for about one week. Her man took her to the hospital out of desperation. We can only imagine how he felt!
Who is the woman who sang almost non-stop?
In a quiet village in Botoșani County, Romania, called Albești, lived Valeria Iurescu, a 65-year-old woman.
Her battle with diabetes brought her to this madness of the effects of this disease. She started to sing continuously: “Da, da, da.”
It’s not like listening to the Trio song “Da Da Da I Don’t Love You You Don’t Love Me Aha Aha Aha.”
Imagine a human being singing for 24 hours next to you!
Now multiply that number by seven. Can you understand the situation?
What would you do if your husband was in a terrible situation like Valeria Iurescu’s? Would you call the priest or the ambulance first?
How worried would you be if you were her husband? Would you be able to sleep?
Is it worse than a Chinese water droplet torture?
We all heard the stories of our grand-grandparents who were in the Russian gulags or other war conditions and told gruesome tales of torture of all kinds.
But this 11-year-old story, while not of the exact nature, still terrifies us.
It’s bizarre because it’s so unusual for someone to have such a disease, one could argue. It beats the famous Chinese torture with drops.
The "Chinese drop torture" implies a person strapped on the back and constant water drops on the victim's forehead constantly.
The savage torture method consists of the fact that the victim receives both physical and psychological torture.
What did Romanian doctors do in the complicated case of Iurescu Valeria?
Moreover, when she arrived at the Botosani Municipal Hospital, they tied her to the hospital bed.
It is common in Romanian hospitals to transfer a patient if they cannot identify the illness or if the case is too complex to cure.
It is assumed that she was a psychiatric case by default. The staff pressed on her chest to put her down while she was in the second hospital.
What is still funny about Valeria Iurescu’s video?
We empathize with the woman’s problem and all her suffering, but there is a funny moment in the viral video of the women singing.
Her husband had a brown plastic bottle. He opened it, tasted it, and then gave it to the woman who didn’t drink to drink. Instead, she continues to recite her da-da song.
Why is this funny about the bottle?
The beer bottle can contain water or other liquids. Romanians usually drink their coffee in those bottles.
However, villagers usually carry alcoholic products in these 500 ml bottles. Also, in villages, people don’t use medicine regularly and don’t take care of themselves as they should.
Was there alcohol in the bottle her husband served her?

However, the same study did not test the counties near Botoșani, such as Iași and Galați, in a more representative number.
For reference, Vrancea county is a key hub for wine production.
The study ranks Botoșani County above Satu Mare, Sibiu, Alba, Neamț, and Vrancea counties.
This figure is slightly above the national average.
According to a 2019 study, Botoșani County has 3.03 liters of harmful alcohol and is in the middle for this measurement.
So, it is fair to assume that there is a 50% chance that that liquid contains alcohol in some form.
2014 a Fatal Year for Valeria Iurescu
In 2014, Valeria Iurescu died of complications from diabetes in Bucharest. She may have lived longer if she had received proper care for her disease earlier.
Depending on the type of diabetes, stringent measures are required: medication, diet, and physical exercise.
We do not know if she underwent treatment.
However, her condition suggests worsening symptoms in the last years of her life, which could be a sign of the disease not being treated or at least not being adequately controlled.
In poor areas of Romania, a lack of education and opportunities can lead to disastrous cases like this.
A 2025 study found that life expectancy in Romania is low, and women should have lived longer. The study found that women in Romania live, on average, 76 years.
She could have to live a few more years?
The woman developed diabetes in the last stage of her life: 14 years ago. According to statistics, life expectancy decreases by up to 10 years compared to the average.
Therefore, even though she received proper care until her last years, the complications of diabetes eventually killed her.
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