Astrology of August 2024 is a whirlwind of events after a stressful July.
As we transition, it’s crucial to take a moment to pause and reflect on their significance.
This pause is a valuable opportunity to delve deeper into the meaning of these tumultuous events. It’s a time to step back, reassess, and view things more rationally.
Remember, your safety and psychological well-being are paramount; this analysis is a powerful tool for maintaining them and taking control of your life.
I will explore how events can unfold under the influence of astrology. You will have a clearer idea of how to avoid missteps as much as possible.
We will shed light on the deeper astrological forces at work. Finally, I will also discuss a US case study with appropriate explanations.
Astrology for August 2024: What can you do about it?

Astrology of august 2024 is insane for better word.
So, we will explore how events might unfold under astrology’s influence.
You’ll have a better idea of how to avoid mistakes as much as possible.
Also, I will discuss a study case from the USA with proper explanations.
If you still need to get your lesson from July, now is the time to do it.
A good chunk of you might be unable to retreat into your shell.
And that is because of your fiery aura in quotes, which many of you have in quotes.
And that is ok.
Many of you have Mars in challenging positions or related to other planets.
Like Mars in Libra, you feel like fighting with an unfair system or other harmful position.
Mars activating malefic planets
Mars also makes aspects with Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and even Venus, though Venus is not one of the so-called malefic planets.
These positions make life challenging enough to be fully understood and fully lived.
What To Do In August 2024
Don’t avoid things in August. But it is not the moment of the month of peace and reconciliation.
Therefore, it isn’t beneficial to establish agreements and get people along with you in your boat.
This time is not beneficial for celebrity contests, popularity, or assigning your second man to a firm.
Planets like Venus and Jupiter engage in a cosmic battle with Mars and Saturn.
These battles will start in mid-August and culminate at the end. It’s crucial to remember that the end of August is a time for relaxation, not planning.
This advice is especially true with the onset of Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 6, 2024.
So, let this guidance steer you in the right direction.
Astrological key points of Astrology of August 2024
New Moon in Leo retrospective

We experienced a new Moon in Leo at 12 degrees.
For those with planets in those degrees in healthy houses, you might have experienced shortfalls in your physical body.
But maybe some of you entered a phase of cleansing, for those who have planets in the 8th house and you have an addiction that you try to get off.
Remember that new moons are an excellent start to getting rid of all sorts of things. These can be addictions, particularly decluttering and so on.
But it would be better to do it a few days after the New Moon.
The Moon has to increase its energy to produce fruitful results.
Similarly, people with the planets in their 6th and 10th houses or on the lord of those two houses in those degrees might have experienced issues at work.
People impacted by the New Moon In Leo.
Those with Midheavens or IC on 12 degrees of Leo will feel the most significant impact.
I have a concrete example in a similar situation for you. Despite the warnings, one person felt the Full Moon a few months ago. But the stars got their plan, and a car almost hit that person.
A colleague took her hand. It was a life-or-death intervention since she wasn’t paying attention while chattering with her colleague.

Astrological transits during August 2024
Until August 15, working in stressful conditions will be the central theme.
Many things could go wrong, from orders to missing parts, recipes, lost things, and theft of ideas, which could be just a few of the Mercury retrogrades.
However, on August 15, 2024, the first public appearances (especially on jobs related to parties and leadership roles) are under magnification.
Also, people who sign and open contracts related to hairstyle positions or wait to climb this ladder.
Or, if you started a leadership position in the last weeks, certain things will resurface. One’s eligibility and integrity have to pass the test of time.
Also, the targeted people who sign and open contracts related to hairdressing and celebrity positions are waiting to climb the hierarchical ladder or are in a position that implies a connection with politics, even though tangentially.
The test of organizing in stressful conditions: misplaced orders, missing parts and pieces, bad organizing, and over-stimulation will be just a few of the sub-themes of Mercury retrograde.
This planet is in full-swing retrograde motion until August 28, 2024.
And if you’ve landed by unfortunate means, say, a leadership position, the trash hidden under the doormat will be very visible.
Mars-Jupiter Conjunction
On August 14, 2024, Mars will join Jupiter in Gemini at 16°40′.
Mars, in combination with Jupiter, will be suitable for some activities. If you take action in a spiritual, unorganized, and unorthodox way, lectures for pastors and mission activities will be good, but with some caution.
Mars and Jupiter give way to too much passion and could be considered exaggerated from a point onward.
With the Moon opposing the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, it is a different construct.
Moon will oppose them a little earlier, on the morning of August 14, 2024, and will feel like reaching the bottom of the bag, especially for those with mental issues, especially people with tricky placements on 16 degrees in 3rd house.
Emotional problems are mainly in this house when making aspects with the house rulers.
Where in the natal chart do these transits have a more significant impact?
However, given that Jupiter is detrimental to Gemini, conjoining Mars can benefit sports like throwing arrows.
Now, if Mars-Jupiter hits, let’s say, another planet in the 8th or 12th house, especially for people with eye issues, it is not the time for driving.
Also, avoid any operation that involves cauterizing, especially on the ENT area, hands, and hips, because of the Gemini-Sagitarius axis involved.

Now, if Mars-Jupiter hits, let’s say, by pure coincidence, another planet in the 8th or 12th house, especially for people with eye issues, it is not the time for driving.
Playing with kids: looking for clues of some lost treasure should work fine.
You should avoid fire activities, too, because Mars and Jupiter will feed this kind of nature. Mars is fire, and Jupiter will feed it to big blasts.
And please avoid fights in traffic, will not go to anything good.

Mercury stationing-direct implication
Also, people with the Sun in Libra and Aquarius at 21 degrees will feel the effect of Mercury being stationary from August 28 to August 29, 2024.
Or people with the Sun in sign in the degree mentioned above and which is affected by another planet, especially Mars or Uranus, in the natal chart will encounter.
People who benefit from this direct aspect will be the ones with the Sun in mutual reception with another planet: for example, the Sun in Libra and Saturn in Leo or the Sun in Aquarius and Uranus in Leo.
From August 23 to August 28, 2024, the Sun is in mutual reception with Mercury; this is the only time it is beneficial for uniting people, forming alliances, and forming parties.
But it is essential to mention that the planets do not make aspects of each other in any way.
That is why only August 23 would benefit activities like uniting people, forming alliances, and forming parties. Instead, the planetary aspect is cruel a few days before: Venus squares Mars, and Jupiter squares Saturn, when the US Democratic Convention will occur.
Also, Mercury makes a square with Uranus, and Venus will make an opposition to Saturn.
So, given that Mercury is also retrograde, this could be the worst period for assigning someone.
Themes could include confusion, backstabbing, and opposition. There could even be fights between democratic convention members.
Peace in Eastern Europe could be a temporary stalemate or something similar, but nothing significant this month because Venus is still in Virgo until September.
So, even if, let’s say, they temporarily agree to a stalemate or peace, it will create more division in communication between the parties involved, which will be bad for alliance members.
Who is in the crosshair of these astrological transits?
When researching which personalities have the Sun in Libra, I came across George Perry Floyd Jr.’s astrology chart.
What is more striking is that he has a Uranus-Sun conjunction.
With its profound implications, the George Floyd (photo left) case will continue to shape society’s future, remain emblematic, and certainly be an endless topic of discussion, especially on the Internet.
However, to understand the future, we must look at how planets influenced the past and, more precisely, the moment of his death.

The planets in transit and the natal ones serve as crucial astrological clues, providing insight into the circumstances of his death.
An explainer of his natal astrological planets (symbolism and activation)
Mars represents vitality, brute force, fire, and the military—the aggressor—while Venus often represents women, delicacy, beauty, and the face and neck.
Transiting Mars afflicted Floyd’s natal Venus, so Floyd was forcefully slammed and tackled to the ground by police officer Derek Chauvin.
He died asphyxiated by the foot pressing on his neck.
Also, the Sun opposed the natal Venus from the twelve house.
At the time of death, the Sun also opposed the Ascendant.
This aspect is dangerous!
In parallel, when you analyze someone’s astrological transits and see some disharmonious aspects about the ascendant or especially the ascendant ruler, you could predict that the person might get ill.
In parallel, when you analyze someone’s astrological transits and see some disharmonious aspects about the ascendant or especially the ascendant ruler, you could predict that the person might get ill.
Venus and Neptune
Venus-Neptune conjunction, in his natal chart in the twelve houses, speaks about his escape from reality and addiction to substances.
Therefore, Sun broke the cycle of addiction and money from drugs or at least phony money in an unfortunate way, which I will explain later when I discuss Neptune’s symbolism.
The Sun is authority and leadership. But often, the Sun burns just to be in the spotlight; the victim was somehow like a trophy for his narcissistic behavior.

Saturn represents a fatherly figure, a despot, a dictator, hardships in general, and death.
Saturn is in transit in retrograde motion and aspected his natal Jupiter in Aquarius.
Aquarius rules the pulmonary and the back (concerning walking).
At the time of his death, he wasn’t able to speak, gasping for air, and also got injured in the back.
Like most people with Mercury in Scorpio, he had a deep voice tone. At the time of his death, he couldn’t speak, gasping for air.
Midheaven aka Medium Coeli (MC)
The Midheaven represents the highest point in the natal chart; it is the reason for living and has a higher purpose.
When significant transits affect this point, they can often be fatal. The natal Sun in Libra represents his social role after his death.
However, the Sun is in its sign in Leo and exalted in Aries. Therefore, the social problems resulting from his death are not a classic social cause and role model.
He will rule the waters on social media and fuel hatred towards the police community due to this natal aspect (Sun in Libra in 11th house).
But the most challenging transit was Neptune, which opposed his natal Midheaven.
The transit of Neptune will make the first and most dangerous aspect with the Midheaven, and it indicates a dramatic turn of events.
These events can include chronic ills that aggravate suddenly and need keeping into intensive therapy, near-miss death events, life-changing events, career-ending transits, or even death.
Also, Neptune colored the moment of his death by giving it a spiritual tinge and martyred him in a way.
It became, along with others, a symbol of the brutal police system but also a reason for dissension on the subject of racial segregation.
Just minutes before police busted him, Floyd wanted to pay with a counterfeit bill, but the store owner called the police.
Thus, Neptune’s uncertain nature triggered a series of confusing events that would ultimately culminate in his death.
And finally, his natal Sun in Libra represents the social role it would play after his death.
But because the Sun is unfavorable in Libra, his social role could be more classic, like a model to follow.
He will steer the waters on social media and fuel hatred toward the police community because of this natal aspect (Sun in Libra in 11th house).

On August 28-29, 2024, direct Mercury will station at the exact degree his natal Sun has in Libra.
So, Mercury makes a sextile aspect with his natal Sun.
There will be important news or developments related to it.
Floyd’s family may be advocating for you in court regarding unresolved issues of injustice.
This event could be out of proportion because Jupiter trines the Sun.
A march against a decision on his killer, Derek Chauvin (photo below), could also take place. Because the Sun is malefic in Libra, at worst, the criminal could appeal to get a shorter sentence or even try to get out of prison in any way.

28-29th August 2024 from an astrological transits standpoint for Derek Chauvin
Now, we will look at the astrology chart of his killer – police officer Derek Chauvin, sentenced to 22 years in prison in Tucson, Arizona, USA.
I adjusted his birth time to 11:21 am; his birth date is March 19, 1976.
So he has Neptune in the 6th house, so he somehow fooled the system when using force back in 2017 on a juvenile boy and got away with it.
I oscillated between Mars in the 1st house and in the 12th house. I’ve positioned Mars in twelve house because an inmate attacked and injured him on November 24, 2023.
Do you know who also has Mars in twelve houses and was also attacked?
You would have guessed right if you thought about former president Donald Trump.
Mars in Twelve House speaks truly about him being in prison and being stabbed by anyone out of the blue in an unpredictable way.
Mars in Pisces is also problematic, especially in twelve, and fits better with a guy who is over-aspiring in the world but struggles and always sees himself as little.
Now, having the Sun in the tenth house of career reinforces this kind of narcissistic behavior.
I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for his colleagues to have him as a coworker.
Astrology of August 2024: What could happen when Mercury turns direct?

It could be a case of illness or stabbing. The intestinal area is the problem. Chauvin could also receive a shorter sentence or even get out of prison.
The Moon is conjunct with the ascendant, which is generally favorable.
But Mars transiting the natal twelfth house, almost in conjunct natal Mars, indicates a new cycle for him in the system.
Maybe he’ll get sick or ingest something on you and be transferred to another facility, like a mental asylum or something similar.
However, this is a sensitive issue for the people of the United States, and there will again be questions about the justice system’s fairness. Neptune retrograde conjunct the natal Sun in Pisces is another indication of escape from the system or at least into his sick mind.
Transiting Saturn conjunct Mercury in Pisces could cloud his mind and suggest drastic action to move forward, like a sudden awakening to reality.
I noticed he has the Sun conjunct Mars in his natal chart, so I wonder if he or someone else will start a prison fire.
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Grow Harmonic From Inside Out!
Schedule a private astrological consultation, here.
I can help you fully develop in your career, improve and carefully monitor your health, and be aware that even organs carry the cosmic mission.
The famous German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said:
“Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter.
Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom?
But we hope it; we know it.”
Quote source: 20somethingeverything
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All the information provided above is a complex analysis of the impact of transiting planets on the energy of an event, so any discrepancy in terms of the birth of that event could cause inaccurate predictions of events.