A person wonders if he will have children and, of course, when. These questions seem optional to a man. However, for a woman, questions such as the mission in life, especially that of children, are real dramas if unresolved.
And suppose they end up not finding an answer and are internalized and somatized like any seemingly trivial thing. In that case, they can generate an inner conflict. This can be harmful in the long term, causing all kinds of disorders.
Astrology Reading: Traits, Career, Health and Family
Today, dear visitors, I will analyze a person’s astrology chart, wondering if she is suitable for his current job.
The time of birth is determined. I won’t go into detail about what questions I asked. They need to match the personality, the world around the person and the personal traits to correlate with his life.
These may vary from person to person, depending on what you find when you open the astrology chart. Each astrology chart is unique, and I advise you to use different questions because astrology charts will vary so much.
Especially if people are not born in the same year, regardless of the time of birth.
Astrology Chart Reading (real person)

We have Libra in 3 degrees, the person has Pluto in Scorpio.
Pluto is the 2nd house, Lilith, Neptune, the North Node, Uranus in the 4th house.
Uranus is in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th house.
Moon is in Pisces in the 6th house, Mercury in Gemini in the 9th house. The last one is distant from the Sun, in the same sign.
Venus and Mars are in the 10th house; Venus is in Cancer, and Mars is in Leo; Chiron is in the 10th house in Cancer.
From the beginning, with so many planets congested on the 4th and 10th house axes. This is somewhat unusual, the individual has a deep sense of mission and family.
When planets congregate in a sign, conventional books say there should be at least three to be a stellium.
Now, if you have a stellium or more, do not fear; please do not panic and search the Internet; it’s not the end of the world.
From my observations, I only consider the stellium if the planets are close in conjunction within 3 degrees. When a transit hits a “stellium” especially a slow planet like Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, or Pluto. This transit will activate the closest personal planet in the stellium. The energy will link the next one and will have a more significant impact.

When the stelliums has the planets close in it, in the same degree, a more intense situation will occur.
But, any of these cases is complex because even if, for example. We have planets separated in the stellium by, say, up to three degrees, it will seem that these crises triggered in turn through this stellium can last much longer than through a stellium tighter in degree.
The Astrology Of Ascendant
Even though I don’t put much emphasis on the ascendant, I can still bring in some characteristics of the ascendant. I look more at the prominent planets in one’s astrology chart and the entire astrology chart and how the planets in different houses interact. The ascendant only manifests to some extent.
This person’s ascendant is Libra and Venus supports Libra as the ruling planet. Libra brings beauty, harmony, balance, and peace as general characteristics.
Now, Libra is also where Saturn is exalted, and some of the attributes of Taurus are because Venus rules and Taurus merge with those of Capricorn and can sometimes lead to extremes. So, there can be situations where Libra puts itself in a lower place for peace or rigor to find balance. Being obedient for the sake of others, and so on. Imperfections can also make Libra anxious.
Astrology Of Career

This person has Venus in the 10th house, and from the initial question, I determined and corrected the time of birth. The person is fond of creams.
Venus in the 10th house can bring things related to beauty, a natural sense of design and art in the career.
This planet rules the face and body, but especially the face. Venus is placed close to Leo at an anorectic degree of 29 degrees, which can be suitable for making hair creams or other things related to the hair or scalp. Any career statement that values a beautiful and imposing stature, greatness, or celebrity through hair can be beneficial.
So, makeup artists for stars or, more precisely, actors who highlight their hair, like those in advertising. Also, because Venus is the lord of the 8th house, and the 8th house relates to death, among other things, it can indicate a mortuary service as well as a career.
But the eighth house is not only about death; it is also about sexuality, psychological trauma, and addictions. Mars in the 10th house in Leo can lead to an entrepreneurial career in the same hair care business but in a partnership.
Otherwise, Mars cannot function because it is the lord of the 7th house of partnerships.
7th house is in Aries. The person who will be a partner in this business should have the leading role, or a pioneer. This person should have connections with the army, or promote an army-like haircut. You got the idea.
Now, let’s analyze the person who has Venus in Cancer in the 10th house. This Venus is crucial in life because Cancer represents the axis of the breast and abdomen, but it also has an occult meaning. Individuals must work in a service field, especially one related to the abdomen or tummy, a nutritional therapist, or even a waist and breast surgeon. In an unorthodox way, they can work with occult power to protect these areas.
Also, Chiron being in the 10th house made me think that therapy can be done, maybe in a more conventional way. Individuals can feel strongly about various situations or people with whom they interact. Also, the ruler of the 10th house of Cancer is the Moon, placed in the 6th house of Pisces. The individual can also work in a food service in a hospital or any industry of suffering and total dedication: hospital, prison, asylum, or an orphanage. Personally, if I were in this situation, I would exploit the features of the position in Leo in the career because the planets are in a better shape;

Venus in Cancer is not so beneficial but has a marginally harmful role because it is counter-parallel to Uranus in the 4th house, which can disrupt the house and the family, sometimes through frequent moves.
Uranus in the 4th house is about frequent, unexpected changes, so that dynamic can be triggered if the individual works in the previously mentioned areas, such as those given by Venus in Cancer.
Now, having so many planets in the 10th house, in two signs, is a blessing and a curse in equal measure; there is potential leading in these directions, which, of course, can be overwhelming for both the individual and the spouse.
Also, remarks about beauty can trigger a dynamic that would affect the individual profoundly, who would like to be in better shape and go to extremes to make things look like they were maybe in their teens. Things related to insecurity would alienate the individual from making friends.
Let’s not forget that Venus in Cancer gives sensitivity to criticism, especially in career, and the Moon in Pisces gives exaggerated sensitivity so that criticism on the career axis will make the individual often have emotional outbursts manifested by crying.
Astrology And Money
Now, let’s see which sector would bring in more money. A hospital-related job, as the Moon is conjunct with Pluto in a sextile aspect, with Pluto in the second house, the Taurus house of money.
It is a strange astrology chart because all the planets are almost in opposite dwellings, creating weird energy in the individual, and very many planets are at nearly identical levels in terms of energy level.
Not to mention the individual’s interest in philosophical and profound issues; with Mercury in the 9th house in its sign, everything in that area must be analyzed religiously and with all the senses.
But, overall, the individual is hyperexcitable due to the prominence of the Moon in the chart, but it is not only like that; the individual will show exaggerated care and feelings of protection both at work and beyond.
Now, let’s move on to what is essential for this person: the probability of the child. In general terms, any surgery or artificial foreign object, especially fertility drugs, will be able to impact this sector
due to Chiron in Cancer severely.
Chiron, if afflicted, can have a harmful effect. Venus only aspected this Chiron, and it can deal with some things. Still, it is not well-advised by the idea of malpractice if any artificial intervention is made, significantly when it is affected by a transit.
Chiron in mythology represents the archetype of the hero who makes superhuman efforts to engage in a fight but dies by mistake (being kill). Let’s look at the favorable period for having children and explain how it works from an astrological perspective.
We will analyze both the dates when it is beneficial to have a child (the date of conception) and how to choose a doctor to give a higher probabilistic chance of birth and avoid various other unpleasant things.
Why is this important from an astrological point of view? Because the energies of the sky will affect both the development of the embryo and the outcome of the birth, Chiron is in the tenth house in conjunction with the planet Venus.
Personal Astrological Karma
The doctor who will deliver the baby should be male because of the condition of that natal Venus and will try as much as possible to bring a baby into the world through natural birth. Also, do not intervene in the abdomen area, if possible.
I know that nowadays, almost everyone does a C-section, and there are risks associated with this, so we want to avoid this kind of intervention as much as possible.
Timming The Conceiving Of The Baby
This year, she had a perfect day for the best chance of getting pregnant, but unfortunately, that day passed.

We observe that the 5th house lords, Saturn and Uranus, are in good shape. Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter (retrograde) made a trine (120-degree angle) with the natal Uranus . Mars also hit natal Saturn at 120 degrees. Also, the Moon is not receiving any aspect from so-called “malefic planets”: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune. Moon is the significator of children, as the patreon of cancer sign. Also, the Moon has good aspects with natal planets and the 5th house (Uranus and Saturn).
So we will focus on the following year, 2024, and let’s see. The sperm must fertilize the egg on that date, so the conception must be done 12 to 24 hours before, at the same time.

Why is it preferable? Well, the Moon is well-aspected that day. Also, the lord of the 5th house is in good condition. The chosen date has a lower risk, but, as seen in the image, all other dates have an increased risk of pregnancy depending on the less beneficial individual transits. The higher the X factor, the higher the risk of encountering problems during pregnancy or birth.

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The information provided above is a complex analysis of the impact of transiting planets on an event’s energy, so any discrepancy in terms of the birth of that event could cause inaccurate predictions.