Hello, I’m Andrei, and I’ve been studying astrology for almost four years. In today’s video, I discuss what could happen in the next few days while Pluto is still in Capricorn and the next 16 years, during which Pluto will spend time in the revolutionary astrological sign of Aquarius. I will also discuss the recent change in Saturn, which changed both the sign and the astrological house.
Why should we be concerned about the transit of this country, even though so many of us live thousands of miles away from this country?
Pluto’s last days in Capricorn’s astrology chart in the United States of America’s second house of values have a dramatic effect: financial turmoil. And since the United States of America dominates this world in many areas such as economics, geopolitics, and more, any economic problem across the ocean can have strong reverberations anywhere on the globe, living in a remarkably interconnected world.
If until recently, Saturn transited the second astrological house, in the sign it patronizes, i.e., Aquarius, on January 23, 2023, Saturn entered Pisces, where he does not feel very comfortable, being a water sign, the country’s neighbors begin to feel anguish during this period that will last until May 25, 2025. The unpredictability of the sequence of global events has raised anxiety levels for countries neighboring the United States of America, who need additional commitments, assurances, and reassurances in the talks and concrete facts, especially at the commercial level. So, President Joe Biden detailed what the AUKUS program entails.
Under this commitment, they began the construction of nuclear-powered submarines. These countries in the AUKUS program, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and Japan, hold approximately 34% of the total debt held by governments globally. This announcement came after, on March 10, 2023, the financial giant Silicon Valley Bank, based in Santa Clara, California, collapsed due to a bank run – that is, massive withdrawals of deposits.
It had $209 billion in assets at the time of bankruptcy. On March 12, 2023, the financial giant Signature Bank, based in New York, with assets of 118 billion, also collapsed for the same reason as the previous one.
Thus, these two takeovers of banks by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) became bridge banks, that is, direct links to the regulatory body; they have appointed new chiefs in their administration, a kind of capitalist pseudo-nationalization. As I edit this clip, I see that First Republic Bank and Credit Suisse are having problems. First Republic shares are not recovering despite the capital injection; it has assets valued at 212.6 billion dollars, and the Swiss bank Credit Suisse obtained a financing line of 54 billion dollars, the latter having total assets valued at 1.39 trillion dollars.
Now, let’s talk about Pluto, the purifier and destroyer. We begin to see the disadvantages of the fractional reserve and the whole system, which is much more fragile than in 2008; let’s remember that Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn on January 25, 2008, when the financial problems in the United States began to appear, before the culmination of September 15, 2008, when the inevitable bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers happened.
Thus, with Pluto’s exit from Capricorn, a transition from the capital to a new monetary system is being attempted. The value of which we will understand better after Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius in just a short time. Aquarius is a social sign, a disruptive and unpredictable sign that will make itself felt in the next decade. What can we expect in the coming days? How long does it take for Pluto to pass through Capricorn until March 23, 2023, at 08:24 AM EST?
Until then, there will be another bank failure, a colossal one, and everything related to it will be reformed, at least in the United States of America.
Pluto will reveal all the corruption in the banking system and its connections with technology, which, as we know, is the mainstay in the States, the aeronautical industry, and other companies that have incorporated innovation in retail, logistics, and restaurants.
Control over independence and interconnectivity, and implicitly, the Internet will impose regulations, as well as the imposition of a system in which incentives are based on the cooperation and involvement of the individual to support the network. I guess that the creation of Bitcoin, which is suspected to have been created by the famous American National Security Agency (or NSA) itself and whose creator is still unknown, was the product intended by the United States as a pilot program of testing for one can see how society would adapt to this new paradigm – a social experiment par excellence.
A futuristic and utopian financial paradigm, folks. Thus, within this budget, regional banks can go bankrupt one by one – it is possible. Pluto will be in Capricorn, in the second house of finance, until March 23, 2023; what is relevant is its transit to the degree that ends the second house, i.e., 24 degrees and 54 seconds, on March 24, 2039.
It is a transit that will involve implementing control at the financial level: rights over finances. These measures will impact the country’s population, as we will see in a future video of the United States of America. If you liked this video, give it a like, share, and subscribe. I’m waiting for your comments in the footer of this video; if you want another astrological interpretation, I’ll wait for you at the email address on the screen until next time.
I wish you good luck!