The Priest And The Parish Group (episode 2) – A countryside priest fails once again (a true story)
In the second part, we continue the saga of the boisterous priest from my grandmother’s village; of course, more parts will follow. At some point, about two months ago, I was added to a Whatsapp group, the parish group of the village.

I find myself added there – I’m so excited but also nervous at the same time because I really don’t know what to expect. All is well and good; the community posts are starting to flow: mainly services, pilgrimages but also images with religious texts, motivational and parables, and I thought about the idea of publishing something from the astrological videos on my YouTube channel: the clip about Israel, which warns of the evolution of future events in the Holy Land and would be of legitimate interest to people.
In addition, I had received the consent of another parent, this time a priest from Sibiu named Radu, who told me that as long as I say the truth, the practice of astrology is acceptable; but, about the meeting with this priest – in another video, of course.
So what can go wrong? So I’m posting, and I hope with all my heart, that this group isn’t some kind of online pseudo-church like online school where you have to raise your hand and not answer without being asked during class. Still, this group was far from being a reflection of the Church, as I see it – everything is centralized as in an old controlled system, as in Communism; so after I post, this priest calls my attention, saying it’s inappropriate, I don’t remember how he told it verbatim: it just doesn’t fall or something like that I reply with a quote from the Bible, this from the screen: “John 3-16 because God so loved the world. God, our Father in Heaven, loves us very much. His greatest gift to mankind, His Son, Jesus Christ, reflects this love. John 3-16 of the Bible describes God’s love and His plan for the happiness of His children.” Then there is silence. I’m not posting anything for now.
I’m waiting to see what happens. Anyway, I didn’t have anything recorded. Still, one day, when someone in the village posted a video of a woman in pink hospital-like pajamas with a somewhat interpretable message, this last stone fell on the priest’s head.

And then, it happens just like when you scream, and simultaneously, the power goes out during a solemn ceremony. So the priest decides that enough is enough; remove the plebeians’ right to post in quotation marks, except for the cantor and, of course, himself, and that’s it: the world remained suspended like a chrysalis in a temporary frozen cube in the century of the inquisition, no one reacted at all to that post, willy-nilly, to be forced to accept it as it is, like a large spoonful of food that must be forcefully swallowed, unchewed, because that’s how it falls.
And so, from the village parish, where the individual has, in theory, the right to speak, he sees himself marginalized, and everything turns into something grotesque; I don’t know what the villagers say, but I’ll ask them when I get a chance. But, I bet that the number of those who crossed the threshold of his Church decreased.
What do you think? Did this priest do the right thing by removing the right to post office from the community that supports him? I look forward to your comments below. I hope you enjoyed this unfortunate incident; I’ll return with a funny one in another video (on Morraevo Youtube channel).
Watch the first video episode from this serie